Monday, December 22, 2008

Well, I'm suppose to fly to SC tomorrow for Christmas, and it's snowing. I'm praying that I'll be able to get home without any cancellations or delays, although after looking at the weather map that doesn't look too promising. But God is faithful! He has his reasons for the timing of the snow, so I'm trying to trust Him. At least he's showing humans that "global warming" is in His control!
There has been so much snowfall over the past week that I won't even remember what the ground looks like when it melts! And it won't be melting for quite a while! There are piles of snow well over 10 feet all over. All the streets are like mazes with high walls of snow! I was going to buy a snow shovel the other day since it just doesn't seem to be quitting and I've had to dig my Jeep out every morning, but the traffic is terrible. Combination of snow, crazy driving and congestion doesn't make me feel very holly-jolly. I have to say, I'd love the weather if I weren't concerned about getting home! All I can say to anyone who reads this today (and tomorrow) is PRAY! I want to be home for Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

The set where the filming took place. Rebecca-the intern in Canada

First moose sighting!

A Canadian Chinook!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Past Few Days...

...have been hectic, and fun. I heard back from the "Pink Palace" lady, was approved, and became a first-time apartment renter! I call it God's birthday gift to me because I'd been praying that I'd hear something by my birthday. I was (and am) very excited! God didn't have to let me hear back so quickly, but He did and I thank Him for my gift!
Yesterday we (me and Rachel) went thrift store shopping, trying to find necessary furniture and stuff at a cheap price, but not too shabby. We found two chairs for the living room, a footstool and a stacker washer and dryer (the exact size I needed for my little apartment) for very good prices! When we were asking the price about something, the worker said that we should wait until today because everything in the store would be 50% off! So, this morning I headed over there when they first opened (I didn't know that people stood in line waiting for a thrift store to open until today!) and purchased my furniture and appliance at half the price! God again provided in a way that was beyond what I expected!! Praise HIM!!
After picking them up (some guys from the office came with a big truck and loaded and delivered it), I headed to the office. It started snowing early this morning, only a little at first, and is still snowing, a lot! The city workers will be kept busy for the next several hours because it's suppose to continue snowing through tomorrow. I'm anxious to build a snowman, but it's so powdery that I couldn't even make a snowball. Plus, the neighbor's dog can get into my little back yard and he's made it his bathroom stop. Guess I won't play in the yellow snow!
Tonight I'll be cleaning my "new" furniture and trying to do some more cleaning in the apartment itself. I'll also try to take some pictures and have them posted so you can see the place God gave me for the year!

Catching Up With Events-Part 4

Day 16-21 Nov. 24-29
The second week I was in the Canada office saw more of the same project work, and more reading and learning (though the reading slowed down considerably due to lack of time for it). On Wednesday night the TERM seminar began. It continued Saturday, with Friday and Saturday being full days. This was a real eye-opener for me! I had a look into what GoodSeed's purpose and focus is. I'm so excited to be a part of getting the resources out to believers so they can use them in their everyday evangelism! In the seminar we studied through the book By this Name, learning both as the teacher (who will teach others) and as the student. There was so much to take in that I sometimes had a hard time keeping up! The approach in the books that GoodSeed offers is so clear and simple that when it's finished one can't help but understand the story of the Bible! I can't think of words to tell just how excited I am to someday (when I've learned how to use the visual aids) teach it to others! One of the things I like the most about the resources is that it's objective, so people don't have to disagree on what it's about. I've heard and read so many stories in the short time I've been here about different denominations, and even different religions, getting together and studying through one of the books, then beginning a study in a specific book of the Bible, without anger or offense! Anyway, I don't know more to say. I really didn't know the full impact of the resources until I'd attended the TERM seminar and read and heard stories of real situations of how the books affected people. You ought to look it up.

Day 22-23- Nov. 30,31
I and 4 other girls left after the last seminar session to go to the sisters' (the ones I was staying with) parents home about 1 1/2 hours away. While there we went to the Edmonton mall, which is said to be the biggest mall in the world. I can believe it, although I'm sure I haven't been in too many very big malls. This particular one had so many levels that I couldn't really count them all, and I was definitely lost within a short amount of time! We saw a life-size ship with little submarines in the water below it, sea lions that did some pretty cool tricks, trampolines with bungies, an indoor water park with a huge variety of slides, including one that went almost straight down! I don't know how game I'd be to try that one! There was also an amusement park in part of the mall. We rode a couple of different rides before it closed. I'm sure I've forgotten several of the things that we saw that left my mouth hanging open, but I think you get the idea. It was an adventure that I'll never forget, that's for sure!

Day 24-29- Dec. 1-6
Monday the 1st was the date I was suppose to fly back to ID, but there was a web meeting scheduled for the Thursday and Friday of that week, and I stayed for it. On Tuesday through Wednesday I worked on an idea for a web article (now with a much better idea of how and what to write), and then Thursday and Friday we had web meetings all day. I found out during this time that I'm not the average yound adult living in the 21st century! Turns out that having email, facebook, and a cell phone doesn't cover everything for my age group! That's part of the reason I now have this blog! I'm still trying to process all the info from the meetings, but I did learn much, the most important thing being that I'm more sure of what I'm doing for web marketing. I'll be able to tell you in more detail after the new year, I'm sure.
On a couple of cold, early mornings we went moose hunting again, and did have success on one of those mornings. Four moose were running through the fields, enjoying their freedom and the cold! They stopped when we stopped to take pictures, so we got a few that were somewhat clear. Moose show a bit of God's sense of humor! Not only do they look kind of funny, but they run like they've no idea what they're doing! I half expected them to trip and fall over each other! Seeing that many made all of our "hunting" trips worth it.
On Tuesday evening there was a Bible study for the GoodSeed lady staff. It was great to get to know the wives and mothers of staff better. We also had some delicious sweet stuff to eat!
Thursday evening the GoodSeed staff had their Christmas party. I was so glad that I'd stayed another week so that I could go! We had a great time eating, talking, and having a traditional gift exchange. There were kids everywhere, and adults who acted like kids!
Saturday morning was my scheduled (or re-scheduled) time to fly back to ID, which I did. Thankfully it wasn't too long of a flight because I was so tired and thought I'd end up going to the wrong place if it were too long and too much thinking involved! I'll save that for my flights back to SC! When I got back I picked up my Jeep and headed back to Rachel's for sleep. I was thanking God the whole way for my Jeep! I didn't mind too much hitching a ride wherever I needed to go, but it's definitely nice to have your own way of transportation. That also meant that I could apartment shop, and visit some churches.

Last Week
Last week I had to take the stuff that I'd gathered while in Canada and try to figure out how to process and learn it. I'm still working on it! There were several things via internet that I needed in order to communicate with those in Canada, so I spent (and still am spending) time trying to get set up. This means that I also have to learn why I have these things and what their purpose is, and how it will benefit me. Hmmm... I'm sure this doesn't make sense to anyone, but as soon as I figure out what I'm doing, I'll try to let you know!
I looked at several apartments last week, made phone calls about some, and visited some that I thought would be within my price range (aka VERY cheap!). All of this was a new experience for me since where I'd been before I'd had housing provided for me, and I had some pretty funny adventures and good memories through the experience! On Tuesday evening I visited a place that seemed to be my best opportunity yet, and really liked the place. Located on the side of a house, it was originally built for an in-law, so was nice and small and had everything needed for one person. The only downer for me was that the carpet was pink. Those who know me well know I'm not the biggest fan of the color pink (although I am working on it). I did see the potential, though, and told the lady I'd get back with her. I looked at at least one other place (what an adventure!), prayed about what God wanted me to do, then called the lady about the "Pink Palace" (my new name for it). I had to wait for the credit check so didn't hear anything before the weekend.

Catching Up With Events-Part 3

Days 14 and 15- Nov. 22,23
On Saturday the 22 we (the sisters, the other intern and myself) went to Calgary to the mall. It was a big mall, and the main thing I noticed was that many things had a slightly different spelling, closer to the French way of spelling. I saw the city at its best when we left the mall. There was lots of traffic, but the city looked so pretty with all the lights!
Sunday after church we took off to Banff, located in the Canadian Rockies. It was breathtaking! God is so visible in His creation, and it was almost as though I could hear the mountains and rivers singing praises to Him!
We also visited an old very big hotel that was built in the 1800s. We were all amazed at the size and incredible architecture. I felt like I'd stepped back in time for a bit!
Walking down the streets of Banff was pretty cool, let me tell you. There were lots of stores, of course, but it was set up tastefully, and there was a beautiful view of a mountain from the sidewalks. It almost looked like it wasn't really there! There was so much to see and we just touched the surface. I'd like to go back someday and see more, maybe even try skiing, if I wouldn't die!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Catching Up With Events-Part 2

Day 7- Nov. 13
This began the Canada excursion. I rode up with a couple who work with GoodSeed for the yearly Bible camp. The staff get together for fellowship with each other and a study in God's Word. We studied through the passages on the tabernacle and how it relates to Christ. Very good study. I learned much about GoodSeed and really enjoyed getting to know more of the staff.
It was a pretty incredible experience, going to Canada! Crossing the border was pretty easy (I guess it isn't always). In one of the towns we were going through I was told to watch for big horned sheep and sure enough, we saw 3 just walking down the street as if they were pet dogs! Not quite that tame, but definitely not what I expected!
My first view of the Canadian Rockies took my breath away! Absolutely giant! There were points when the clouds covered the tops of the mountains and then I would catch a glimpse of the them through the clouds. I really had to look because I thought it was still the clouds! I kept thinking about God creating all if it, and wondering how anyone could deny Him or His handiwork. Psalm 95:3,4 say "For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also." Would that everyone would believe this and know the one true God! Then they could look at such breathtaking beauty and give glory to the One who deserves it all!
The scenery changed with every few miles. We drove through all kinds of weather: sun, rain, snow. We saw flat lands and mountains, and lots of rivers, lakes and ponds. I kept my camera busy, but it just doesn't capture the real thing!
When we arrived at the camp it was too dark to see anything. I'd heard that it was very near a lake, but didn't try to look for it in the dark. I'd brought my flashlight, but found out when I turned it on that the batteries were dead. So instead I went exploring around the campground. It was a little difficult to see some places since it was after dark, but I was able to get the general layout of things. Since I've been able to work at different camps I really like seeing how each one is set up and how they run. I stayed in a cabin-like area in a conference center with some other girls. We all got along quickly and had a good time.

Days 8-10- Nov. 14-16
Prayer time was first on the schedule for every day of the weekend. What a blessing to be able to spend time before the Lord with other missionaries, sharing needs and knowing that each person is sincere in their prayers for another! I was overwhelmed that God would allow me to be a part of this group of missionaries. Such an encouragement!
The teaching sessions were the main part of every day, and there were also times when missionaries gave reports on how things were going, and other times for learning about new stages of development in GoodSeed. This was where I learned much about the heart of those working with GoodSeed.
At the end of each day there was some free time. People talked, played games, went to bed, etc. I learned some new games (and Canadian wording) during these times. We often took walks around the camp, down the road or out to the lake during lunch or supper breaks. It was beautiful, but cold. On the last day we were there it started to snow.
I was asked during Bible camp to stay in Canada for the next week to take notes on GoodSeed content during a filming they were doing, and then to attend the TERM seminar. This was an adventure for sure since I'd only brought clothes enough for the weekend! I did agree, and stayed with two sisters, Kristi and Chantel. Chantel works in the GoodSeed office in Canada. I immediately felt at home because we had much in common and they reminded me in many ways of my own sisters.

Days 9-13- Nov. 17-21
The first day in the office in Canada was when I learned that web writing is very different from hard copy writing! I read several different web articles, then was given a book to read about web copy. I took many notes and was (and still am) very excited to learn the differneces and how to use them properly. Filming was also suppose to start that day, but took a little longer than anticipated, so didn't start until Wednesday. I spent most of that time reading and taking notes, and also sitting in a chair for the cameramen so they could adjust everything correctly. That was NOT something I enjoyed (since most of the time I try to be on the back side of the camera), but I was able to continue reading while sitting. I learned a lot about the process of before and during a shoot for a movie. I even got to work the slate that is seen in the movie extra reels!
On Wednesday the shoot began and I took notes (and worked the slate) for the next few days. The goal was to be finished with the shoot by the weekend, but it didn't happen, so it was going to have to carry over into the next week. During this week I also got to know the Canada office staff pretty well and learned many things about Canadian culture. Actually, there were several countries represented in that office: Germany, Ireland, Faroe Islands, Canada, USA, and there's probably one I've forgotten. I really liked being able to represent the USA's southeast, although they teased me a bit about accents and such.
A couple of the days during the week we (Chantel, another intern named Rebecca and I) went moose "hunting". One of the staff couples said they'd seen moose on the way to work, so we planned excursions to try to see and "shoot" moose (with a harmless camera, of course). The first morning we went we saw one in the bushes, but he just wouldn't come close enough for us to get a good "shot" at him. We continued for a couple more days, but without any luck. Half the reason we went was because we had such a good time together on the adventures!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Catching Up With Events-Part 1

Day 1- Nov. 7
The flight out to Idaho was long, but enjoyable. By the second flight I was having a very hard time sitting! The scenery was beautiful! I love looking down from such heights and thinking about how much bigger God is! His perspective covers even more than what can be viewed from an airplane! Everything in life must be put into His hands because we're just too small to care for it! I'm glad that He's able!
I arrived in Spokane, Washington around 11:20Pm or so. The drive to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho is about 45 minutes, so by the time I got my luggage and headed out it was close to midnight. Rachel (a single girl who works with GoodSeed) and one of her friends met me at the airport. I was very tired by the time I got there because ID is 3 hours behind the East coast time. Not too bad, but it still required some adjustment. When we got to Rachel's apartment I pretty much dumped my stuff in my room and hit the bed!

Day2- Nov. 8
For being as tired as I was after the trip (which lasted nearly 12 hrs. total) I still woke around 4AM (from here on I'll be refering to West coast time so you can figure the time difference wherever you're located). This happened for the next several days. In fact, it's not over yet!
Rachel and I met Russ and Karyn Smyth (who also work with GoodSeed) for breakfast, and then had just a relaxing, slow day. I spent most of the day trying to get my stuff situated for easy access. It didn't take too long since I didn't bring much.

Day3- Nov. 9
Sunday morning we went to Coeur d'Alene Bible Church. Afterward we went to the Smyth's for lunch, then back home for a nap. In the evening some friends of Rachels came over and we talked and watched a movie. I went to bed soon after they left (still trying to catch up).

Day4- Nov. 10
Monday was my first official day in the office. Overwhelmed is the only word to describe how I was feeling that day. I did learn a lot, though. I went through an online tutorial on how to write web copy (for a specific website), and tried to understand all of the information that I had to take in! Each evening was nice and slow, which allowed me to relax and try to process what I'd been learning.

Day5- Nov. 11
Tuesday was more of the same in the office, only I got to start writing articles. I have to honestly say that, although I had a great time writing the articles, it was very difficult. I still only knew basic information about GoodSeed, and was still uncertain how to write for the web. BUT, it was a great learning experience, and God was right with me, helping me through.

Day 6- Nov. 12
Basically the same as Tuesday. Awake early, of course. Every day was rainy, so it stayed kind of dark all day. The light was completely gone by 4:30 (or earlier) every day! That was something I had never experienced before, and found that I didn't like it too well! It didn't help with the time adjustment process. I also stayed cold every day, but that's really not surprising to anyone who knows me! I'd prefer it to be at least 85!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well, in case anyone reads this at some point today (since I've written this post), I'm going to look at a possible apartment to rent! I spent some time this morning searching and making phone calls and just generally getting familiar with the area, and there is one place that is a definite possibility! I'd appreciate your prayer as I seek God's will.

It's cold here and there's a good chance of a snow storm this weekend. The first snowfall for this area of Idaho! I'm anxious to get out there and make a giant snowman!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hey! This blogging is all new to me but I'll try to keep it updated as much as possible. I'll still be sending out prayer letters, but this will be open for further detail on what's happening in my life, and for those who are frequent computer users. Visit me often!