Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What's New In the News?

I can't believe how quickly time goes! It seems like just the other day I was updating this blog! Well, here's the new news

Office: I've been working on re-writing the articles I've already written. There are at least two different sites that GS wants to post articles on, and in order for me to have the "same" articles on both, the articles have to be at least 30% different. Some are fairly easy to re-write (or spin-off); others, not so much. I do enjoy this part of writing, though, because it forces development in a new area.
Church: This past Sunday began new studies in both Sunday school and church. In Sunday school we're studying through the Fundamentals of the Faith. Excellent study and so important!! In church we began studying through the Gospel of Luke. I'm really looking forward to it! I'm still playing the piano for the morning service, and am so thankful for the opportunity to serve. I pray that I'll never take the gift God has given me for granted, or use it for other than His glory.
Ministry: Thursday night we continue to have a Bible study with a group of 7 teens. Last week we had to cancel since most weren't going to be there, but they've all been coming faithfully, and of their own choices. I continually pray for their understanding as we work through the Bible, and pray for their salvation. All of them have some serious issues contending for their attention. Aside from that study, there's a possibility of beginning one-on-one discipleship with a 16 year old girl. I've spent a little time with her, and she's shown interest in a study, but as yet hasn't committed to anything. I pray that if God wouldn't have me disciple her, He would provide someone else to help her grow in her walk with Him. There are other possible opportunities for studies, and I pray that God will give wisdom in decisions. I had one unique opportunity to help a girl with a writing assignment this week, and may be able to do it again. That's certainly something new and different for me!
Other: I continue to teach piano. The girls are learning quickly and I'm beginning to think about a (dreaded) recital for them!
God has been teaching me so much through personal study, and I'm overwhelmed by His goodness! As I work through questions for my discipleship course, I've been praying for deeper discovery of God, and then that I'll be able to understand all the new things He's showing me! I'm really excited about some new material that I've been given to study--that of Biblical approach to counseling. This is something extra that I've been wanting to study for a while, but didn't have the resources. God is so good in His provision to help me understand Him and His Word more!
The weather for the first of spring was lovely, and then the temperatures dropped and snow came again. I'm really looking forward to the warm weather! Last week I went to the park after work and played some basketball, then played a few pick-up games at the park with a friend. I'm thankful for any opportunity to release some energy! The mountains are screaming at me to be hiked, so I think I'll have to go one of these warmer days!

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Long Post, So Buck Up for a Long Read!

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted an update. Here's what's happening

Work (GoodSeed): I'm staying busy writing articles for the web. So far I don't know where they are since I'm sending then to the "next up" before they go on the web. What exactly am I writing articles about? Well, to give you an idea, some of them I've written have been about Bible devotions for kids, evangelism training, online Bible study, children's Bible stories, Vacation Bible School, how to evangelize, sharing Jesus without fear, chronological Bible study, Muslim evangelism, free Bible study materials, etc. Basically, I've been given a list of "hot topics" that are searched for on the web, and have to come up with ideas for articles...and the articles. It takes me anywhere from all day to a couple of hours to write an article, depending on the topic and how much research I need to do. I've learned so much about the Bible, ministry, and writing.
I'm also continuing in a discipleship program with my boss. He's given me lists of questions to research and answer. The first list was about the Gospel, the second (I'm working on it now) is on sanctification, and the third will be deeper theological issues. Each question has to be answered in a minimum of one page. I often find it difficult to keep it to two!

Church: I really like Hayden Bible Fellowship! I know that God led me there, and I enjoy getting to know the people there. The studies are in depth, and often cover the exact questions I'm answering from my list! We've been reading through a book (outside of church) called "The Discipline of Grace" by Jerry Bridges. What and excellent book! I recomend it! I've also been playing the piano for them for the past few weeks. I really enjoy being able to serve in that way, and am glad for any opportunity to play the piano. I'm currently teaching piano to two girls from the church. It's a lot of fun and stretches me to make sure I know my stuff!

Other: I've been helping with a study through The Stranger On the Road to Emmaus book for the past few weeks. It's been at my boss's house and there have been 6 teens to come. This past week the sister of one of the teens came, too. She seems very eager to learn about God and the Bible. Several of them have had no contact with this before. Please pray that they will really understand and make the decision to believe in Jesus!
I've also been going to a local church once a month to help with a ministry for the public high school kids. The church offers the teens free pizza and corn dogs for their lunch two days in the first week of each month. When they come, there are cards on the tables with a spiritual question on them, and those who volunteer (like myself) try to talk to them about the question (or anything to do with spiritual things). This is such an incredible opportunity! This month we had over 700 kids come over. Some avoid conversation, but that is the minority. Surprisingly, most are willing to talk about things; sadly, most don't have a clue who God is or what the Bible is. Please pray for this ministry! We've been trying to get the teens interested in coming for a study of the Bible, but so far haven't had any interest. Pray for God's will, and His ideal approach!

The weather has been staying cold on average, and we've had bits of snow here and there. I'm definitely ready for spring!

"Live out in your lives the reality of the gospel. Take advantage of and put to use all the provisions of grace God has given you in Christ."-Jerry Bridges summary of Romans 6:11-13